During the beginning of Sonic Unleashed, Chun-nan's continent was torn away from the earth's mantle when Dr. Eggman awoke Dark Gaia, resulting in the planet shattering into pieces. At some point around the beginning of this crisis, the village elder, Zonshen, left Chun-nan and went outside the village (in the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version, it was to retrieve the village's treasure that rolled out of the village during the earthquakes). However, when Zonshen did not return after a while, the villagers grew worried about him and eventually entered an uproar.
When Professor Pickle pinpointed a Gaia Temple in Chun-nan, Sonic the Hedgehog and Chip traveled there, where they learned of the village's state upon their arrival. When the duo met Lin and heard her story, Sonic and Chip agreed to help look for Zonshen, and Lin allowed them outside the village. During the night, Sonic and Chip entered Dragon Road, where they both found Zonshen and returned Chun-nan and its continent to their proper place with the Gaia Temple and the Chaos Emeralds. The duo then came back with Zonshen to Chun-nan where the villagers hailed them as heroes.
Some time later, in the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version of Sonic Unleashed, Chun-nan was invaded by Dr. Eggman's Badniks, trapping all the villagers inside Chun-nan. Fortunately, Sonic and Chip arrived in Chun-nan, having heard reports of the development, forcing the robots to retreat and saving the village. On the Wii/PlayStation 2 version, however, Chun-nan remained peaceful. Here, Sonic and Chip eventually came back to Chun-nan upon instructions from Professor Pickle to investigate the area further where they found a tablet fragment for the Planet Tablets.
A while later, when Chip called the Gaia Temples to him, the inhabitants of Chun-nan saw their Gaia Temple rise from the ground from the village. When Dark Gaia then began casting the world into darkness while maturing into Perfect Dark Gaia, the inhabitant of Chun-nan watched in horror as the sky above the village turned dark, but soon after celebrated as the world returned to normal after Super Sonic and the Gaia Colossus defeated Perfect Dark Gaia.